Monday, June 2, 2008

It's that time of year again!

No the Euros only happen once every 4 years. The post season period gives papers a lot of space to fill where match reports and analysis are the norm. The usual lack of football for 3 months or so ensures that papers are constantly on the lookout for a "scoop".

Check out some of today's "top stories". To give these stories a sense of realism, papers have to "realistically" adjust their creative talents to truly reflect feasible possibilities with regards to players. Take Arsenal for example. Nothing strange going on there with their supposed interest in Piotr Trochowski. Wenger's keen eye for unknown talent at its best! And to think that people put up with 3 months of this rubbish every year. If I wanted to read fiction in the papers, I would be at the comics section. Thank God for the Euros! At least the rubbish will be diluted by the presence of some real football news.

Nonetheless you can still expect one story that will not lay low this summer. Chelsea's odyssey to find their new manager will dominate the sports section until they eventually find him! Hiddink, Rijkaard, Mancini, Hughes, even Eriksson gets a mention! Abramovich's riches will have to do a lot of the talking if he is going to entice a top notch manager to the club. If you can sack the Special One and his successor who nearly won 3 trophies in a season, you must be a real emo! Abramovich has probably been listening to too much Simple Plan! Wonders why his club is not perfect and why all this had to happen to him. You can't really imagine him with the eyeshadow and the lot but it's the only reasonable explanation for all his brash decisions. Good luck to the new manager, whoever he may be. At least he will know that legend status will be bestowed upon him should he succeed. And should he fail, he will still get paid handsomely to take a sabbatical.


rashaad said...

simple plan.....hahahahahahahahahahaha

fuck la, it never made sense until you mentioned it. Seriously! abromovich has always got this look on face that says "I love Simple Plan"

Anonymous said...

Caleb dear,

Abramovich is doing his best for the club lar (or at least i personally think so). give the guy some credit man!!
He's doing OK!!!
